Big Band Boom!

Celebrating Rodger Fox

In 2024, we lost jazz icon Rodger Fox, a respected educator, musical director, and big band leader. This festival’s special concert honours him with performances by two big bands.

The event will showcase 50 years of the Rodger Fox Big Band’s music, featuring talented musicians and soloists who worked with him. Expect surprises in true Rodger style, but also the classic Big Band sound he was famous for.

Join us to celebrate Rodger Fox’s life and legacy through the live music of his Band.

  • Rodger Fox Big Band | MD Chris Fox
  • Auckland RF Big Band | MD Paul Norman

Jess Deacon Quintet

Things Left Unsaid

Festival Jam

Head to the Social Club at Mt Maunganui for a great jazz taster

The Late Late Show

After a day at the festival, enjoy a late-night jam session at the exclusive Tauranga ...

NZ Army Band Jazz Showcase

Be blown away by the world-famous New Zealand Army Band in concert

Downtown Carnival

City centre comes alive with jazz, blues and funk!

Adrian Cox Trio (UK)

UK’s internationally acclaimed clarinettist Adrian Cox.
Date: Sat 19 April
Baycourt Community & Arts Centre | Addison Theatre
90 mins (plus interval)

$65 Reserved Seating

$58 Concession/Earlybird

$50 Jazz Society Members

$35 Student/Child